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Steven Bleiberg, "Stardate" miscue, "Stardate," Blind Date, Mike makes a telephone call to Eric in Washington DC, Eric is talking on a payphone, Harvey Hunter is going to be in the studio tonight, what else to look forward to tonight, Walter Cronkite did his last newscast tonight, bad reviews of a French restaurant in Washington, the WUSB sea shanty from the street, introducing other people in the street, why Frank Burgert can't be talked to at the moment, Charlie Backfish explains what happened at the French restaurant, a police car passes by, Robert Palmer, Carolyne Mas, Eric's disembodied voice, Bunky and Spunky: nuclear safety, sea shanty ID, Mike calls a television station in Buffalo, calling a television station in Washington DC, more on Walter Cronkite's last newscast, Phil Collins, Rosey Jones, Crazy Joe and the Variable Speed Band, John Hartford, Bunky and Spunky: auto safety tips, J.J. Cale, an interview with Harvey Hunter, news about the upcoming "Week of the Whale" motion picture, the Slim Whitman connection, wondering how Harvey has become so famous, The Jewish Blues, Garland Jeffreys, The Magnetics, a reading from "Abnormal Psychology," Montreux Summit, The International Key Shortage, Growling Tiger, Ellen Foley, Brian Eno and David Byrne, Sidney Schreiber in Port Jefferson harbor, calling Eric in Washington DC to tell him what just happened to Sidney, Captain Kirk won't be in tonight, Eric defends his position, how the listeners can get involved in Sidney's fate, advice from the receptionist, Bunky and Spunky: grandparents, Jean Michel Jarre, conversing with Eric's voice, Bunky and Spunky: outer space safety, Mike's Walter Cronkite story, last words from Eric. Download It Now!![]()
Talking Heads ID, "Stardate," Blind Date, Eric is back, why Washington DC isn't a true city, where Bill Senikowich came from, an amusing story that took place on the Washington Metro, why such a thing could never happen in New York, The Clash, a mention of WBAI on the record, calling a 24 hour bagel shop in New York City to ask what they like about the city, Billy Joel, switching places, looking for something else to call, calling the Times Square Motor Hotel, Mark Almond, calling the Maritime Museum, calling a 24 hour locksmith, trying to keep the door open, talking to an answering service operator, figuring out the name of a famous customer, Mike complains about the telephone book situation, The Rolling Stones, Walter Zwol, John Lennon, Gary Saint, homage to New York City, a Sidney Schreiber update, a replay of the kidnapping, the kidnapper has been in touch with the station, looking forward to tonight's pizza, comparing the pizza in Washington, Mike tells a pizza story, a song about a Scotsman, Bunky and Spunky: tips on health and safety, The Bunky and Spunky Radio Poetry Corner, Celtic disco, debating pronunciation, an interview with Earl who's replacing the lights, Elvis Costello, The Selecter, June Lodge dub, Eric explains what happened while Mike was out, the address to write to, Bunky and Spunky: restaurant etiquette, an editorial on ant hole destruction, Monty Python, cleaning up a mess, Eric is upset that he missed Harvey Hunter last week, looking forward to "Week of the Whale," Mike gets the bill for calling the Chinese embassy a couple of weeks ago, a surprise doorbell, a mystery tape, a message from Sidney Schreiber's kidnapper with a list of demands, analyzing the career of Donny and Marie, questioning whether Sidney should come back, Monty Python, a reading from "Abnormal Psychology." [end cut off] Download It Now!![]()
"Stardate," Blind Date, Bakersfield Boogie Boys, Eric is wandering around somewhere, Bunky and Spunky will be live in the studio tonight, there will be a full weather forecast tonight, an update on Sidney Schreiber, a rebroadcast of Sidney Schreiber on the Long Island Expressway, an appeal to the kidnappers, NRBQ, Mike talks to Bunky and Spunky, Madness, The Selecter, Roland Alphonso, Eric's disembodied voice is back, The Gaylads, Gruppo Sportivo, Mike tries to call a 24 hour cesspool repair company, Bunky and Spunky try to figure out how to get the studio working, Rox, the full Bunky and Spunky theme by Guy Van Duser and Billy Novick, Bunky and Spunky: industrial safety, Kilimanjaro, a full weather forecast by Brienne O'Brian, it's the first full day of spring, Gary Myrick, stereo effects, Bunky and Spunky take on the Sidney Schreiber kidnapping case, Mike and Eric discuss the case, Bunky and Spunky start a singing vigil, reaction from the kidnapper, a strange twist to the story, Harvey Hunter returns, Eric is struck dumb by Harvey's presence, Harvey will send a preview of his film next week, Kate Bush, Mike dials random numbers on campus, what Mike does, Tom Waits, Leon Redbone, Bunky and Spunky's Spanish Corner, Eric is supposed to be in Virginia tonight, Mike tells a vegetable joke, music of Togo, Bunky and Spunky request a song, The Monkees, Eric reports on what Virginia is like, it's Mike's boss' last day, an edition of Campus Closeup has speed problems, Eric has sound effects, Mike's efforts to get a copy of the Suffolk County phone book in the studio, Eric's bad experience in Nassau County, Mike explains how to rip a phone book in half, Mike reveals the hoax, Bunky and Spunky try to imitate Eric, a visit from Junky, WUSB signoff. Download It Now!![]()
"Stardate," Blind Date, a lot is planned for tonight, Eumir Deodato, the bottle bill passes the Suffolk County Legislature, Eric calls a local convenience store to ask their opinion on the bottle bill, the Carol Burnett story and the soundtrack to "Week of the Whale" are on tap for tonight, the first episode of The Tripod Family begins tonight, Larry Braverman is going to meet Roseanne, a message from your local Defense Department, Flying Lizards, Carol Burnett wins a lawsuit against the National Enquirer, Mike and Eric read from this week's National Enquirer, imaging a local gossip column, another bottle bill call, Eric hesitates to try Mike's surprise snack from the natural food store, crunching on the air, Eric picked up WUSB in Flushing, how Lister was heard in Jamaica, wondering where the show might be heard, Eric wonders if the world is on the verge of a major crisis, Bunky and Spunky: tips on becoming a spy, Ringo practicing without The Beatles, Baird Hersey, promo for Magical Mystery Tour with Arnie Pritchett, Mike describes what it was like buying the Enquirer earlier, a letter from The Three Village Herald, a memorable sticker that's all over the Stony Brook campus, President Reagan's attack on the Three Village School District's lunch program, what chocolate covered ants must be like, calling "The Apology Line" in New York City, an unexpected interview with the founder of the project (Allan Bridge), how the whole project works, how this could work on a permanent basis, the increasing use of answering machines, a selection from the soundtrack to Harvey Hunter's "Week of the Whale," guessing when the first episode of The Tripod Family will be on, Altered Cats, Robert Fripp, The Who, The Tripod Family: the Tripods adjust to life in their new home, Sparks, The Beat, Elvis Costello, Bunky and Spunky: how to lose weight, Mike is downstairs getting a pizza, Captain Kirk will be on at 3, another bottle bill call, Eric reports to Mike what just happened with the call to Brentwood, Mike takes issue with the pizza he just received, Bakersfield Boogie Boys, The Boomtown Rats, an interview with Orville Nyne, the pizza delivery was interfered with, more bottle bill calls, Campus Closeup with sound effects, The Clash, Proper Radio Procedure, good reviews for chocolate covered sunflower seeds, trying to get in one more bottle bill call, Mike will be doing two shows on Saturday, Mike's Cris Williamson special promo. Download It Now!![]()
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