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Latest Malnutrition a vast and persistent peril

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State of the World's Children 1998: Focus on Nutrition
The State of the World's Children 1998 focuses on malnutrition, the silent and invisible emergency that exacts a terrible toll on children and their families. The world has an obligation to protect the right of children to good nutrition, building on experience and scientific knowledge. Action is both possible and imperative.
The Progress of Nations 1997
The Progress of Nations 1997 assesses not only such basic social conditions as health, nutrition, education and water and sanitation, but also progress and disparity in areas that are more difficult to measure but also have a profound impact on children's lives, such as violence against girls and women and special protections for children.
The Silent Shout, adapted from a UNICEF co-produced film, warns of landmines, the most persistent and lethal weapons against children.

Children at Work

A new Voices of Youth forum takes up the issue of child labour. Children at Work features stories, photos and a quiz on children working in factories and homes, on farms and on the streets.
Child labour
Child labour has been much in the news in recent years and is the subject of an international conference in Oslo, 27-30 October 1997. But what really is child labour, where are working children found, what work do they actually do? Can you tell myth from reality? Find out more.
The Progress of Nations 1997 Quiz
How much do you know about crucial issues affecting children around the world? Let seven experts in the field challenge you in The Progress of Nations 1997 Quiz.
International Children's Day of Broadcasting
On International Children's Day of Broadcasting, 14 December 1997, over 2,000 television and radio stations from 171 countries will give young people a chance to speak for themselves on television and radio.


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