Yes, summer is almost over and the question on everyone's minds is where the hell is the Summer issue of 2600?

We have some good news, as well as some more frustrating news. We'll start with the latter: our printer has added more time to their already lengthy turnaround period. They had trouble obtaining, get this, paper. We're living in some trying times.

However, we're not going to let this add to our delay. Yes, the printed issue will probably be in subscriber hands and whatever stores are open towards the end of the month. But we're going to stick with the plan of releasing the Kindle version this Friday morning. You can subscribe to that version here (or here in the U.K.).

Our PDF version will be released next week. We don't yet have a method of subscribing to that, but hope to have that figured out through our Shopify store soon. In the meantime, keep checking for an announcement on when that becomes available. (If you bought the last PDF issue, we'll send you the announcement.)

The paper edition is the one we have the least control over and which has, obviously, been causing us the most grief over the past few months. But we're committed to keeping it going, something our readers have made quite clear is important to them as well. Between the beleagured postal service and the uncertainty of retail outlets, it's extremely difficult to know what to expect. But we're all doing as much as we can and your support is extremely important. It's why we've made it this far.

One other thing: we experimented with was having issues go to alternative stores since so many of our regular outlets were shut down for the Spring issue. That's why we were available in various supermarkets throughout the country. However, that turned out to be a sales disaster, so we won't be trying it again. At least now we know that supermarkets aren't the best place to sell a hacker magazine.