echo "Downloading book..." # Initialize total downloaded count. DLT=0 echo "Creating downloads directory (./apush-dl)" # Create downloads directory and redirect stderr to /dev/null (in case the directory already exists). mkdir ./apush-dl/ 2>/dev/null # There are 32 chapters. for CHAP in {1..32}; do # There are never more than 7 sections per chapter. for SECT in {1..7}; do # We want to test whether the file is available first before attempting to download, so we grab the HTTP response code first. # We also randomize the useragent somewhat in order to appear less like a script. RESCODE="$(curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '%{http_code}' "$CHAP.$SECT.htm" -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.2.2; en-us; AppleWebKit/$SECT$CHAP.$CHAP (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/$CHAP.$SECT$SECT Mobile Safari/$SECT$CHAP$SECT.$CHAP$CHAP $CHAP-$SECT")" echo "Downloading Chapter $CHAP Section $SECT:" # Make sure we get a 200 response before downloading. if [[ $RESCODE == "200" ]]; then # And download the page (once again, ensuring that the UA appears somewhat unqiue). curl --progress-bar -o "./apush-dl/$CHAP.$SECT.html" "$CHAP.$SECT.htm" -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.2.2; en-us; AppleWebKit/$SECT.$CHAP (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/$CHAP.$SECT$SECT Mobile Safari/$SECT$CHAP$SECT.$CHAP$CHAP $CHAP-$SECT" # Increment total downloaded by 1. DLT=$(($DLT+1)) else # Otherwise, display an error. 302 usually means that Google has begin blocking requests. echo "Got an error! Code: $RESCODE" fi done done # Delete any files containing the string "Error 404", which would be unique to Google's error pages. echo "Deleting 404 files..." find ./apush-dl/ -type f -exec egrep -Il 'Error 404' {} \; | xargs rm -v -f # Append CSS to each file to hide the annoying Google Cache info banner. echo "Hiding cache info banner..." for file in ./apush-dl/*.html; do echo "">>"$file"; done echo -e "Downloaded $DLT pages in total. \n" # Compile all HTML files into a single PDF for ease of use and transport. # Load no images, as the src files are not available from the original dev servers. # This depends on the wonderful wkhtmltopdf utility, from read -p "Create PDF of book? (requires wkhtmltopdf) " -n 1 -r echo -e "\n" if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then echo "Compiling PDF..." wkhtmltopdf --no-images `find ./apush-dl/* | sort -n | grep html` apush_book.pdf fi echo "All done!"