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False start, "Concert Billboard," various New York Telephone operators and recordings, holiday rant, trouble in Bosnia, facts from the Harper's Index, a big storm hits, Eric goes to a hacker meeting in Washington DC, Howard Stern's radio station is fined by the FCC, Eric comes out in favor of U.S. action in Somalia, why snow always seems to turn to rain, trying to call WUSB collect, why NATO isn't acting in Bosnia, the future danger in Kosovo, why white people aren't going to see "Malcolm X," the hassle of junk faxes, a discussion on how to get onto the Internet and the state of technology, an explanation of what happened at the hacker meeting in Washington DC, why protesting is good, the pretentiousness of the Christmas season, why the local 7-11 doesn't sell condoms, ominous predictions on AIDS, Eric gets a fix from The Dead Kennedys, analysis of a hum on the line, audio cuts off at the end. Download It Now!![]() - 12 / 26-27 / 92 -
Part One: The end of "Music For Modern Ears," Gary Pecorino, "Natural Alternatives" promo, "Psychadelicatessen" closed for health violations, Magazine 60, Kraftwerk, a dedication to the Chaos Communications Congress, public service announcements, calling Stony Brook offices, The Residents, Julee Cruise, Grateful Dead, how December 26th is the loneliest day of the year, Eric talks to himself on the phone, news, the new Roger Waters record ("Amused To Death"), "Brain Damage" officially begins two hours and nine minutes in, phone lines busied out for those who never have a chance. Part Two: The Specials, a Clash tribute with phone and train recordings, every telephone in Sarejevo is busy, calling the operator to find out what day it is, open lines, controversy over Bush pardons, other pardons of the past and present, Time Magazine names Bill Clinton man of the year, pronouncing Yugoslavian names properly, the vending machines are out of reach of the radio station, Celsius conversions, an update from Sammy, talk of Lynn Samuels, more corruption in Brookhaven Town, people who build houses on the beach, the Amy Fisher story is going to be on TV soon, marines in Somalia, Clinton's new cabinet, a call from a recovering alcoholic, Nirvana, the meaning of certain things in 2600, what it's like coming home from college, the difference between an American billion and a British billion, a caller is afraid of the pizza man, a caller with See and Say. This show is in two parts. Download It Now!
Dec. 26-27
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