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Jim Wiener, "Stardate," the theme breaks down, Jim tries to fill time while Eric tries to repair the theme, Tony White and Michael Simpson help in the repairs, Tony takes offense at the way he's being treated, "little rubber things" are missing, Eric discovers the newsbooth, the tape is cued up live on the air, the intro may never be heard again, run-ins with the flag over the holiday, "Moscow Mailbag" (end cut off), Tony tells Eric he's "over-peaking," a demonstration in New York concerning abortion rights, news, Big Audio Dynamite 2, The Tripod Family: Pop continues to deal with the police, more Big Audio Dynamite 2, rumors of the cost of The Tripods supposedly being $275,000 per episode, more arguing between Eric and Tony, discussion over the nomination of Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court, Stupid Questions: what to do with a quarter found in a payphone, discussion on abortion rights and the Supreme Court, Eric plans to be in England in a couple of weeks, flags mysteriously appear on people's lawns over the 4th of July, computers at a bookstore mysteriously malfunction once a month when a certain group of people visits, Scott Warmuth reviews "Terminator 2," the importance of contacting elected officials, Confuse The Operator: trying to reach radio stations in Yugoslavia and Croatia, Kibret has left in a huff, Tony continues to threaten Eric, Yugoslavia is on the list of destinations for Eric this summer, a caller has experience in Yugoslavia, discussion of Eastern Europe, Little Toby Walker benefit promo, Poi Dog Pondering ID, some of "No Sound Test" follows. Download It Now!![]() - 07 / 13 / 91 -
Classical music, recycling PSA with sound effects, "Polka Country USA" promo, "Brain Damage" promo, the heat is turned back on, more conflict between Eric and Tony, the intro is gone, The Clash, Tony announces that the Mets have won ten straight, more sports news, the search for a new program director, a warning to Tony, an eclipse of the sun, Eric will be gone for the next few weeks, "Moscow Mailbag," The Clash, Screaming Target, news, the premiere of "Boyz N the Hood" causes mayhem locally, calling the Commack Multiplex Cinemas to see if it's still playing, The Clash, The Tripod Family: trying to escape from an angry cougar, The Clash, Eric intends to visit Nice, calling MovieFone to find out where "Boyz N the Hood" is playing, a press release from the film, a threat to the Setauket pine barrens, whatever happened to Jeff Rossen?, an Associated Press story on the trouble in Commack, Suicidal Tendencies, Stupid Questions: do you carry non-chewing gum?, some bad press for West Islip High School, talk of abortion issues, The Clash. Download It Now! |
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